NIH gradually moving from PureEdge to Adobe forms

Now that you’ve gotten used to the PureEdge forms that NIH was using for electronic submission, they’re moving to use Acrobat forms instead.

During the transition, be sure to check the program announcements to figure out which format you should be using.

Windows haters should be happy about this, I think.

Surplus lab supplies

Sue Paradis says she is cleaning up preparatory to the move, and has leftover stuff from Kalpana’s lab to give away:

  • glass culture tubes (lots) from VWR, Fisher, etc + assorted caps
  • small plastic scintillation vials
  • dialysis tubing
  • glass micropipets (1-5, 10, 20, 50 ul)
  • gel equipment-assorted boxes, combs and leads
  • glass plates for running bigger vertical acrylamide gels

Stuff is on a cart in the hallway outside Bassine 330