ACA Symposium to honor Foxman

At the 2012 Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, to be held in Boston starting this weekend, one of the highlights will be a session entitled “Transactions: Transformations and Structural Oddities in Molecular Crystals: In Honor of Bruce M. Foxman“. This session, organized to honor \Professor of Chemistry Bruce Foxman “for his contributions to the field of solid state chemistry and his dedication to teaching” on the occasion of his 7oth birthday. Foxman’s research over the years has involved solid state reactions and polymorphism of molecular crystals, and one of his greatest contributions to the field is a series of online tutorials, including one on Symmetry and Space Groups, another on Bruker’s APEX 2 software. and a third aimed at high school students. The symposium will be held in two parts on Sunday July 29, and Wednesday, August 1, at the ACA meeting in Boston.